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Cordula Böhm
Impulsgeberin, Coach, Mentorin, Nomadin, Mutter, Grossmutter, Yogi
Nomen est omen: The Latin root of my first name “core” refers to the heart, the core, as well as “courage”.
The courage to move around to find my essence seems to have been put in my cradle.
This path led me away from the former GDR,
has made me the mother of a wonderful daughter
took me on many journeys through the Middle East, North Africa, India and Nepal, several years in Switzerland, finally in Palestine and now living and learning independent of location.
What sounds easy gave me wonderful experiences, but also guided me wie viele moderne Menschen durch die Niederungen von Depression und Burnout: als junge alleinerziehende Mutter, als Lehrerin mit dem Gefühl, nicht gut genug zu sein, in komplizierten Beziehungen, die meinen mangelnden selbstwert reflektierten, in Lebenssituationen, die mir nicht entsprachen.
I began to study Eastern wisdom, Buddhism, yoga philosophy, as well as modern authors in the field of mental health, happiness research and self-help. My most healing companions became yoga and meditation.
Meanwhile, even as a proud grandmother, I am open to change, learning and searching. I love colorful fabrics, carpets and embroidery as much as the fabric of life with its diverse patterns, colors and unevenness.
I have learned that courageous decisions and consciously designed life transitions definitely make life colorful and exciting.
That's what I want to show and make easier for other women.
Es macht mir Freude, als Coach und Mentorin Menschen durch Krisen, Blockaden und Konflikte zu begleiten, die Umschwünge mit sich bringen können.
With my professional background as a
- Teacher for German and Art
- Pedagogue (MA)
- Systemic coach, supervisor, organizational developer
- Teacher of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation
I follow a holistic approach that includes professional methods from systemic coaching, intuition, yoga, meditation and relaxation techniques and is individually tailored to your needs.
Convinced that the solution to your life issues lies within yourself, I respect your personality, your values and your capacity to move TO THE CORE.
cordula böhm
online coaching
I accompany and support you in changes and life transitions on your way to a powerful colorful life.